Moving Forward

As you can probably tell by the tone of my post last night, I’m disappointed in the results of the election. I’m especially disappointed in the coverage regarding pro-life legislation and the candidates’ positions. Flipping between several major news networks, I never once heard a mention of how abortion played a part in the results. They were quick to mention the economy, the race and age of the candidates, even the religious views of the voters, but no mention on how the candidates’ position on abortion played into the results. As pro-lifers, we need to work to make respect of life a more front and center issue in the 2012 election.

Echoing many other conservative Catholic bloggers, we need to be respectful of Mr. Obama and those who have been elected to office. We can disagree with their positions and argue against what they stand for, but we must not fall into the trap of attacking the person that many fell into during President Bush’s terms in office. To engage in ad hominem attacks is completely uncharitable and will not help advance the pro-life cause. We need to pray for those who hold elected office, engage them charitably without name-calling or insults, and debate without yelling or slander. In short, we need to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” Sound familiar?

I wish to congratulate President-elect Obama and all those who achieved political office during this election season. May God bless you and this country, and may you serve this country with the respect of all life.

That’s all folks

Pretty much every major news channel is saying that the President of the United States will be Barack Obama, and he’ll have a Democratic Congress. I admit to being disappointed by the results, as unsurprising as they are. We now have a president who is unabashedly pro-abortion (excuse me, “pro-choice”) and House and Senate majorities who agree with his position. Now, instead of making any further movement towards ending abortion in this country, slight though it may have been under McCain, we likely will end up going back to 1973-era free and open access to abortion on demand.

How do we who have fought for the respect of life respond? With prayer, lots of it. We can’t change the end result of today’s election, but we can get on our knees and humbly ask God to soften all our hearts. We can’t give up — the lives of the children at risk depend on us not to — but we need to make sure that we’re in tune with God’s will.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt that we need to get the pro-life message out into the public more strongly than we already have. With the results of today’s election, it becomes even more important. Groups like Face the Truth have been doing a good job getting the pictures of aborted children out to the streets, but we need to do more. Rachel’s Vineyard has a fairly large and noticeable billboard right off of Main Street here in town, but we need to do more. We need to get the pro-life message so pervasive that it doesn’t matter if abortion is legal, no woman ever wants to have one. I don’t know how to do it, I don’t know how much it’ll cost, I definitely don’t know how long it’ll take, but we need to get the pro-life message so ingrained in our culture that abortion mills go out of business for lack of clients. Frankly, the only way this will happen is through God’s grace, so we need to pray for guidance and pray for His mercy upon our country.

Please pray for President-elect Obama, all the elected government officials, and for the respect of all life from conception to natural death.

Is the Political Season Over Yet?

Like many Americans, I’m getting very tired of the presidential election cycle. The two candidates spend very little time talking about what they’re going to do if they get elected. Instead, they expend great quantities of hot air showing us how he’s the savior of the country (if not the world), and his opponent is evil incarnate and will destroy the known world the moment they’re elected. I’m looking forward to November 5th, at which point the political advertisements will no longer be running. Sure, there will be at least a week of finger pointing and recounts before one or the other is named President of the United States, but that can be avoided by refusing to turn on the 24-hour news channels.

While one might be able to avoid the commercials, debates, and other attacks by simply not turning on the TV (not a bad idea in the first place), it’s hard to avoid when representatives of one of the candidates call on a Friday night while I’m enjoying watching Babylon 5 on DVD (yes, I’m a sci-fi weenie). On Friday night, I received a call from the local representatives of the Obama campaign. Unfortunately for her, I decided long ago that I could never in good conscience vote for a candidate who is so openly in the back pocket of Planned Parenthood and NARAL. You see, I was born in 1976. Roe v. Wade was January 22, 1973. Do the math. Abortion matters to me because I realized many years ago I would not be here if my mom said 4 words: “I want an abortion.” Now, my mom is very much against abortion, but the fact that I could have been aborted legally, and that over 1 million boys and girls my age were aborted in 1976, matters to me very deeply. Also, the fact that we are over 48 million “legal” deaths due to Roe v. Wade and counting concerns me even more. Needless to say, I cannot vote for a candidate who supports abortion rights advocates.

Anyways, now that you know where I’m coming from, this poor unfortunate volunteer from the Obama camp calls to encourage me to vote for him. As part of our conversation, she asks me, “What keeps you from voting for Barack Obama?” My response, after a short pause when I was deciding whether to be nice to this lady or not, was as follows:

“Ma’am, I’m a Roman Catholic priest. As such, respect for human life is of vital importance to me. Mr. Obama has made statements that cause me concern regarding his respect for all human life, especially regarding abortion.”

She kind of stammered out an “I understand.” Then, after a short pause of about a second or so, she invited me to visit their office in town for more information and wished me a good night. I really don’t think she expected to ever hear that response, and was completely unprepared for it. I almost feel sorry for her.

Like I said, I can’t wait for November 5th.

Worldwide Rosary for Unborn Babies

A group known as the Saint Michael the Archangel Organization is promoting a Worldwide Rosary for Unborn Babies. They are asking Catholics throughout the world to pray a rosary to end abortion at 9:00 AM local time on Saturday, October 18. The hope is that there will be a wave of Rosaries that will sweep across the world over a 24-hour period. This sounds like a worthy endeavor worth promoting, and I highly encourage everyone to participate.

More Montana Pharmacy Board News

Apparently, Planned Parenthood is not happy with the Montana Board of Pharmacy. Planned Parenthood of Montana has petitioned the board to change their rules regarding religious objections to birth control. Please keep praying for those pharmacists who are following their consciences, not only in Montana, but throughout the United States.

Update on Catholic Pharmacist

For those who have “friended” me on Facebook, you may have seen the article in the Billings Gazette regarding the Catholic pharmacist in small-town Montana who no longer dispenses birth control. He was reported to the Montana Board of Pharmacy, which has dropped all charges against him. Please keep Mr. Lane and his family in your prayers. He has taken a very courageous stance for life, and will be attacked further.