Same Name, New Location, New Look

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth (OK, maybe not “much”, but there was some), I have decided to say “So Long!” to Blogger and move out on my own. I did this for three reasons: 1) While I haven’t had any problems with either Blogger or Google, I am becoming increasingly uncertain that Google will be able to continue to restrain itself from censoring opinions that it finds to be politically incorrect or troublesome. 2) Having my own domain allows me to more easily explore other media formats, such as podcasts, if I feel drawn to do so. 3) My web development skills are very rusty, and this gives me the space to do some development on my own in preparation for developing new parish websites.

What this means is that eventually the old Blogger-based blog will eventually be deleted. Never fear, however, that old posts will be erased with it. The new blogging software (WordPress) has helpfully imported all the old posts and most of the comments (I think older comments were lost, sorry!) into the new blog, so I can continue where I left off.

With the new blog comes a new look, but I hope that this will be only temporary. I’m in the process of learning how to develop a WordPress theme that will change automatically based on the liturgical season and possibly even for major feasts. I don’t know when (or if) this will happen, but it should be interesting.

With any change comes a period of growth and uncertainty. Please feel free to leave suggestions and comments in the comment box. Welcome!

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About Fr. Cory Sticha

I'm a priest for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, MT stationed in Malta, MT.

One Response to Same Name, New Location, New Look

  1. I too have been thinking about taking on my own domain, excellent move!, I shall be updating my links appropriately 🙂

    Pax Vobis