Only Heretics have Original Thoughts

OK, there’s a story behind this bumper sticker. Last night, as I was watching Fr. Corapi on EWTN, he used the phrase “our favorite sins”. This is a phrase I use frequently, and didn’t realize that I must have picked it up from someone else. In fact, I came to realize that I’m very unoriginal in my thinking, which is a good thing for a Catholic priest.

My role in salvation is not to come up with my own original ideas, but to present to those I serve the Truth revealed by Christ 2000 years ago. Since the Church has the fullness of Truth revealed by Christ, anything I come up with that goes beyond that truth is my own invention and will go contrary to that Truth. Holding something which is contrary to the truth of Christ is heresy, and obstinately holding a heretical thought makes one a heretic.

Now, I am going to make this clear: this bumper sticker is presented tongue in cheek. It’s purposely overblown. No offense is intended. If you do find yourself being offended by it, perhaps you need to reevaluate something you hold contrary to the teachings of the Church. Anyways, here it is: Only Heretics have Original Thoughts bumper sticker.

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About Fr. Cory Sticha

I'm a priest for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, MT stationed in Malta, MT.

2 Responses to Only Heretics have Original Thoughts

  1. Well I would put a sharper point on it. Heresies are usually the taking of a truth and distorting it to the exclusion of other truths. They are not really original, just distortions of what exists. They are the deprivation of a truth that should be there. Plus as times go on new heresies are just old heresies rehatched.

  2. Jeff, that is exactly true, but I doubt a heretic has ever thought that he was distorting a truth. Instead, I think most heretics see their views as original clarifications of the truths they’re distorting. I guess that’s the (not very eloquent) meaning behind the post.