Jesus of Nazareth volume 2 about to be released

Pope Benedict’s second volume on the life of Our Lord is about to be released. Order it here. Just do it. Don’t even think about it, just click that link and order it. If you don’t have volume 1, order it here and read it first.

The first volume is a beautiful reflection on Our Lord’s life, and reviews that are coming out, such as this one from Fr. Z from his What Does the Prayer Really Say blog, give me the impression that the second volume will just as powerful and moving. Forget the DuhVinci Code “Real Jesus” books. Read Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth.

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About Fr. Cory Sticha

I'm a priest for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, MT stationed in Malta, MT.

3 Responses to Jesus of Nazareth volume 2 about to be released

  1. LarryD says:

    Hi Father – I noticed that the ‘woman priest’ I gave you – the West Confidential Priest #1 – is not anonymous. Her name is Judith McKloskey. Sorry about that.

    Also – a participant asked me if contacting the woman being prayed for would be a good idea or not. I answered her question – it’s nearly the last comment in the combox – but I’m not sure it was all that helpful. If you would, can you please provide some guidance over at AoftheA? Thank you very much.

    • Hi, Larry,

      I hope my response was helpful.

      With the anonymous “priests”, there are actually 5 of them on the right side of the RC Women Priests site. The names on the left don’t match up with the people who are anonymous on the right, they’re just two separate columns. Since I’m from the Western part of the US, and there aren’t any names specifically mentioned from Montana (Deo Gratias!), it makes sense to pray for one of the anonymous ones from the Western US. For all I know, one of the two could live in this diocese.

  2. LarryD says:

    @Fr. Cory Sticha
    Thanks for noticing that – I copied and pasted that list to Word, and didn’t format the list correctly – the list didn’t transfer as columns, but as one name printed after the other. When I tweaked the list to make it easier for me to work with, I didn’t adjust those “confidential” ones. Duh! In any case, I have to correct it – and now the list has grown by a few more names.

    Thanks for answering the question, too. I included it in the original post as an update