Announcing: Basics of Catholicism

One project I’ve wanted to do for some time is a series of single-page bulletin articles that explore and explain the core elements of the Catholic faith. Since the Gospel passages for the next month or so come from the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6, this week is as good of time as any to start with a multi-part discussion on the Eucharist.

I’m proud to announce the “Basics of Catholicism” series of bulletin inserts. These inserts are one-page articles that will discuss the basic teachings of the Catholic Church. It’s my hope to release one of these articles each week, and will be available in both Microsoft Publisher and PDF format. The articles, like all the material on my website, is free to copy and modify as needed. The only thing I ask is that I get attribution as the original source.

I will be posting these articles exactly as I’ll be publishing them in St. Mary’s parish bulletin, which means that they will contain some references to local events, such as my homily for the weekend. Most parishes will want to make some modifications to make them connect more closely to their parishioners. While the bulletin articles are not meant to be “camera-ready” outside of St. Mary’s here in Malta, I do hope there will be very little labor needed to prepare them for other parishes’ bulletins.

Please let me know if there are any topics for discussion that you would like to see. I hope these articles will be yet another tool for enriching your faith!