Best device ever

A regular column on the Unclutterer blog is Unitasker Wednesday. A unitasker is an item that is designed for one, very limited purpose. This week’s device is Doughnut To-Go, which solves the problem of carrying a single doughnut securely while keeping it fresh. If you’ve ever been worried about someone stealing your doughnut, the Doughnut To-Go even includes holes for applying a padlock. Check it out! (And laugh at the ridiculousness!)

The Video Games of Today Reimagined in 8 and 16 Bits

I’ve long been a fan of video games, going back to the original Pac-Man, and enjoyed many of the great classic 8-bit and 16-bit games on the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super NES systems. For those of us who love these old games, we have The Video Games of Today Reimagined in 8 and 16 Bits. Yes, modern games, such as StarCraft II and Final Fantasy XIII if they had been written 20 years ago. Classic gamers, enjoy!

C.S. Lewis on Mars

OK, this is really cool for a Sci-Fi geek like me: C.S. Lewis has a rock named after him on Mars, and another rock is named after Malacandra, the name Lewis gave to Mars in his Space Trilogy. Both are in this image from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day. Both rocks are just below the label marking “East”. The science geeks at NASA have good taste!